
At Home Shopping Network Gone Bad

Check out this funny clip of a little slip up (literally) from one of those TV shopping networks.


Cuba Bans Smoking, Really

That's like McDonald's banning hamburgers. It's true though. The country know best for their famed cigars now has an all out ban against the very product that made the country popular. Sumbit your comment with more oxymoron comments please.

Kraft Stops Making Roadkill Candy

The real news here is that Kraft even made a roadkill candy. Who the hell thought of that one? Let's have people buy stuff to eat that they would normally see while on a roadtrip to the county line. Check it out.

-Noah Todd

First Article

Some of you have been asking if we still have the first article written about the show the day it premiered on TV. A little search brough it up cached. Check it out.


Relationship Ending Help

It's not often that you hear someone say "I need help ending my relationship". I thought it was something that happened pretty easily. One person hates the other, the other starts to catch on, and you'd figure that's pretty much the end of it.

Well, for those of you who can't seem to get untied from your lover, there is finally help. A new website gives you tips and ideas as to how you should go about ending your non-blissful relationship. You'll even find templates for documents that range from a business style letter of relationship cancellation as well as the more thoughtful poem that will surely make her finally not fall in love with you all over again. Check it out. By the way, it's in Dutch so good luck reading it.


Warning for All You Coca-Cola Truck Drivers

If Miller Brewing Company can fire a truck driver for drinking a Bud, I have a feeling that the Coca-Cola truck driver that Pepsi caught drinking a can of Pepsi that they used a few years back is going to be fired very soon. Check out the full Miller vs Bud story here.


Put That On The News!

Most people don't realize that being a field reporter for the local TV station can be a very dangerous job. You don't have to go to Iraq to be in harms way...as this reporter finds out.

Superbowl...not so Super

While it was a close score for most of the game, it wasn't too exciting. Sloppy play by both teams, especially the Eagles. Even the commercials stunk for the most part.

One good thing was this article that wound up on ESPN.com and was written by one of my buddies. Pretty soon he'll be writing for NFL Films!



Keep Laughing

I've been reading some great articles in TIME magazine about the importance of laughing. Check out the full report and remember to bookmark www.thatoneshow.com so you can keep laughing.

Cell Phone Use Ages Young Drivers

Here's a great piece of research... using a cell phone while driving changes the driving behavior of 20 year so they drive more like a 70 year old. I don't know who this study is worse for... the 20 year old... or all of those 70 year olds out there who are being told in this scientific study that they drive too damn slowww! You decide.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been so busy doing so much stuff. This weekend I moved to a new apartment. It was a pretty cool place. Of course I decided to move on the one day that it hails in Arizona. It also poured rain, was pretty cold, and very windy which made moving my bed up the 3 flights of stairs all the more difficult. What are some of your moving stories? Post your story by clicking on the "comments" link directly below.
